LinkedIn is one of the best places for businesses to network and meet key decision makers. Infact, with MasterMindSEO, I have never gone to a BNI meeting or attended a Chamber of Commerce event. Why? Well for one, I’m not a huge fan of these types of events. I had been to a number of them when I was younger and frankly, I was turned off by the pushy salespeople just trying to hand out cards in the “hopes” that I wouldn’t throw away their card or need a realtor, tax attorney or roofing company at that exact moment.
So how does an agency owner, or quite frankly any business that relies on sales (which should be every business) to generate new leads without having to deal with these oh so thirsty meet and greets? Well, LinkedIn is where it’s at. No longer the red-headed stepchild of the Social Media world. LinkedIn really has found its sweet spot. It’s not trying to be Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. And people have really over the last 2-3 years started spending a TON more time on LinkedIn.
Infact, it is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms online. Business professionals are spending more time on LinkedIn (often than other platforms). As Facebook, Instagram and others have become more political and users are sick of seeing cat memes and riots, sometimes people just want to read industry news and try to improve their business or sales pipeline.
LinkedIn is really nailing it when it comes to helping people connect with other users that can help each other grow their business. Ok so now that we have established that LinkedIn isn’t taboo anymore, what now?
Well, if you have ever done any prospecting on LinkedIn (trying to find people that would be your ideal target market to sell to), you will soon find out how tedious and time-consuming this process is. You have to find them, view their profile, send them a message and wait to hear back. Then once you do hear back, you need to start cultivating the relationship. Relationships are what drive revenue.