All Posts By

Stephen Twomey

Marketing Ideas
October 27, 2017

Marketing Green Initiatives: Companies Often Miss the Eco Message

One of the factors that make marketing such an exciting field is that consumers are…
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Marketing Ideas
October 24, 2017

Marketing Ideas to Stimulate Business Owners: Tips and Insights to Succeed in Small/Home Based Business

Ideas are everywhere. Inspiration can strike at unexpected moment. It is important to listen to…
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Marketing Magazine Articles
SEO News
October 19, 2017

Marketing Magazine Articles: Study Sample Issues Before You Pitch Your Story

One of the best ways to research magazine markets is to look at sample issues.…
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Marketing Planning
October 16, 2017

Marketing Planning Made Simple: Focus Marketing Efforts for Measurable Results

Marketing is the set of strategies and tactics by which potential customers know about a…
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