Have you discovered that you are stuck? Are you a slave to your business?

I have been there – I can help Get the wheels turning again or get you moving in the right direction.

Tim Croll is MasterMind’s Online Business Consultant. Tim has been responsible for several successful clothing and e commerce businesses reaching stratospheric increases in revenue and profits. Tim comes into your business onsite and helps analyze and gather data to come up with a plan that will enable your company to become more efficient, more profitable and more fun to work in.

How To Build A Brand

Tim helps consult with your business onsite or via email, phone or skype to make sure that your brand is being built properly. Whether you are a new company, striving to become a brand, or you are an existing company that is trying to transcend your current limitations as far as brand recognition, reach and influence; Tim’s expertise in developing successful businesses into brands will be a huge value add to your organization.

How Will I Get Unstuck?

When working with business there are only ever three challenges that need to be solved. Everything boils down into one of these three buckets.


Have you found that you are buried under mountains of inventory? A garage or warehouse full of unsold product? Have you found you don’t have enough time for business, family, or yourself? Our capacity is limited until you find the way to expand it!


Have you found that you are buried under mountains of inventory? A garage or warehouse full of unsold product? Have you found you don’t have enough time for business, family, or yourself? Our capacity is limited until you find the way to expand it!


Have you found that you are buried under mountains of inventory? A garage or warehouse full of unsold product? Have you found you don’t have enough time for business, family, or yourself? Our capacity is limited until you find the way to expand it!